From 13 to 15 January 2023, more than 30 alumni of the Czech-German Young Professionals Program met in Boží Dar.

After two years when the CGYPP schedule was affected by the covid-19 pandemic, we were able to return to the original date and hold the alumni meeting in January. There were alumni from the very first program year 14 years ago as well as participants from the CGYPP 2022! Participants of the alumni meeting were dedicated to getting to know each other across the alumni from each year, discussing news in their lives, workshops, as well as exploring the surroundings and history of the Ore Mountains. For the second year in a row, the program was prepared in cooperation with the association Političtí vě which started last year the project of saving “Řetízkárna” – a former changing room for prisoners, which is the last authentic building from the communist labour camp Rovnost in the Jáchymov region. Their goal is to turn it into a community and educational centre. The chairman of Političtí vě Tomáš Bouška guided us not only around Boží Dar, but also around Ostrov.