JOIN US IN 2024.

See all important information for future participants.

JOIN US2024-06-02T09:27:31+00:00
Read the instructions for CGYPP 2024 and join us.


What is CGYPP?2024-01-21T13:54:19+00:00

Established in 2008, a growing international network of committed and talented people from the Czech Republic and Germany (more than 170 in 2023).

What does CGYPP offer each year?2023-02-09T18:58:26+00:00
  • Three intense and high-quality units consisting of seminars, on-site visits, peer-learning and intercultural team-building activities.
  • Interaction with a broad range of distinguished German and Czech experts.
  • The opportunity to develop one’s own initiative or project (podcast).
  • Improvement of presentation, leadership, intercultural and media skills.
  • Stimulus for a future professional career.
  • Membership in a prestigious alumni network.
What is the CGYPP 2024 Topic?2024-01-21T13:58:44+00:00

Czechia and Germany – Ready to Face Tomorrows’s Challenges Together? In an ever-evolving global landscape, Czechia and Germany find themselves standing at a juncture where cooperation and strategic alignment are imperative to confront the multifaceted challenges that lie ahead. Both countries boast robust economies with a significant reliance on the automotive industry, making them deeply interdependent in the face of economic disruptions and shifts in market demand. As stalwart democracies, they share common values and commitments to the principles of freedom and the rule of law, but also face internal and external pressures that test the strength of their democratic institutions. Embedded in the European context and geopolitical upheavals, the framework for action and cooperation demands a flexible approach. Additionally, the rapid pace of digitalization poses a formidable challenge, requiring both countries to adapt to technological advancements while ensuring cybersecurity and data protection. Moreover, the urgent need to combat climate change places a shared responsibility on both countries, as they strive to transition towards more sustainable and environmentally conscious industrial practices.

How can both countries balance their economic interests with their commitment to sustainability? Will both countries be able to cope with the risks stemming from dependence on third countries in supply chains? How can Czechia and Germany collaborate to enhance education and skills development in their countries to meet the demands of the 21st-century workforce and address the challenges posed by rapid technological advancements and digitalization? How can both countries contribute and benefit to and from the European community, as well with regard to the European elections 2024? How will both countries deal with the geopolitical challenges arising from the aggressive policies of Russia and China?

These and other topical questions will be addressed at the 15th year of the CGYPP. We want to discuss these dynamics and possible answers to today’s challenges in a Czech-German context. Creatively, interactively and critically, with a wide range of political and economic leaders, with leading journalists and experts – and we want to share our insights with the general public.

How to apply?2024-01-21T13:59:45+00:00
Fill in the CGYPP 2024: Registration Form (see below) by February 18, 2024,
Please enclose:
  1. Cover letter in English (2 pages max.)
  2. CV in English (in tabular form)


Who are the organizers?2019-05-30T01:11:19+00:00
Who are the contact persons?2024-01-23T19:18:20+00:00
  • For Czech candidates: Michael Murad,, Tel.: +420 721 823 366
  • For German candidates: Magdalena Weißing,, Tel.: +49 (0)30 89 59 51 49



Why is it worth it?2021-01-08T16:03:24+00:00

Watch here!

What are the conditions?2023-02-09T19:03:07+00:00

In case of your acceptance, we charge a one-time participation fee of 245 EUR. We cover your program arrangement, travel expenses, accommodation, and board. You are expected to attend all program component units in full. In justified cases (e.g., employees in non-profit organizations) the participation fee may be reduced. In this case, please contact us by email.


Who can apply?2019-05-30T01:10:39+00:00

Young professionals with at least 3 years’ work experience from the Czech Republic and Germany with strong interest in cross-sector and cross-border cooperation, who speak fluent English.

Who are the participants?2019-05-30T01:10:20+00:00
  • Czechs and Germans with open mindset in the age of 25-40 with varying professional backgrounds (from the fields of academia, business, media, politics, public administration and NGOs)
  • Selected 12-14 young professionals for one programme year become Alumni after full attendance of the three program units
Where and when will CGYPP 2024 take place?2024-01-21T14:01:52+00:00
  1. Berlin, 11. 4. – 14. 4. 2024 (Thursday afternoon – Sunday noon)
  2. Prague, 13. 6. – 16. 6. 2024 (Thursday afternoon – Sunday noon)
  3. Brno, 3. 10. – 6. 10. 2024 (Thursday afternoon – Sunday noon)


CGYPP 2024: Registration Form

Dear candidate, be so kind to fill in the following form.


    For Czech

    MICHAEL MURADCzech Coordinator of CGYPP

    For German

    MAGDALENA WEIßINGProject Manager of CGYPP (EAB)

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