The eleventh year of the annual Czech-German Young Professionals Program (CGYPP) was launched in Berlin last Thursday. Unfortunately the seminar was shorter than planned due to a dramatic development caused by coronavirus pandemic and also thanks to newly introduced restrictive measures on border between Germany and the Czech Republic. 

Participants with different professional backgrounds from both countries have been invited to participate in the annual series of workshops and to collaborate on relevant economic, political, and social issues. This year’s topic is Sustainable Business & Lifestyle – Czech and German Answers. The topic of the first (and the only) day of CGYPP 2020 seminar was Sustainability in Europe: The tower of Babel? Great introduction to the topic was lecture followed by discussion “Top down or bottom up – how do we achieve more sustainability?” by Dr. Anneque Javaid, research assistant from Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change. In the evening we have discussed EU climate protection policy and possible division between East and West over this issue, feasibility of this policy and much more at public panel debate “The EU`s Climate Protection Policy Between Conflict and Consensus” with a member of German Bundestag Lisa Badum and Tomáš Jungwirth (from AMO).

Organizers (Association for International Affairs and European Academy Berlin) agreed on difficult decision to end seminar on Friday morning. Health and safety of participants is our priority. This year we have great and brave participants and we are looking forward to meeting again in June in Prague!

The program is initiated and financed by the Czech-German Fund for the Future.

Do not forget to check out pictures from the Berlin seminar: